Winter Warmer Package
Now that the weather is getting colder we have a great special two hour top to toe package just for you, A relaxing foot soak with essential oils, a one and a half hour relaxing Aromatherapy hot stone massage followed by an anti ageing collagen facial and a warm paraffin wax foot treatment, Reflexology foot

What to look for when booking a therapist.
Have you been asked to go by a health professional or personal choice? Have they been recommended by a friend or colleague? Do you want a female or a male? What techniques or specialties do they offer? Costs, discounts, cancellation policies? All of this is important but most importantly are they insured, trained and qualified

We are collecting Bras!
Tranquil Massage Gold Coast & Hinterland are collecting either new or in good condition Bras to donate to this great cause Support The Girls Australia They Also need new knickers and hygiene packs. so please contact me and I will try and collect over the next month ready for Thier event in October.